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How to make your phone fast

In today's fast-paced world, a slow and sluggish smartphone can be incredibly frustrating. If you find your phone's performance lagging or apps taking forever to load, there are several steps you can take to make your phone faster and more responsive. Here are some valuable tips for optimizing your smartphone's performance:

  1. Clear Cache and Junk Files: Over time, your phone accumulates cache and junk files that can slow down its performance. Go to your device's settings and find the option to clear cache and junk files for individual apps or use a dedicated cleaning app to streamline this process.
  2. Uninstall Unused Apps: Take a look at your app collection and identify those you no longer use. Uninstalling unnecessary apps can free up storage space and reduce background processes, which can help improve your phone's speed.
  3. Update Your Operating System: Ensure that your phone's operating system is up to date. Manufacturers release updates to fix bugs, improve performance, and enhance security. Regularly check for system updates and install them as they become available.
  4. Optimize Background Processes: Some apps run continuously in the background, consuming valuable resources. Review your app settings and disable background processes for apps that don't require constant updates, like social media apps.
  5. Disable Animations and Transitions: Animations and transition effects may look appealing, but they can slow down your phone. In your device's settings, look for options to reduce or turn off these visual effects for a snappier experience.
  6. Manage Widgets and Live Wallpapers: Widgets and live wallpapers can be fun and functional but can also consume CPU and battery power. Limit the number of widgets and avoid live wallpapers to improve performance.
  7. Monitor Storage Space: Running out of storage can lead to performance issues. Regularly check your phone's storage status and delete or move files to a cloud storage service or an external device if you're running low.
  8. Restrict Background Data: Certain apps use background data for activities like syncing, updates, and notifications. You can restrict background data usage for individual apps in your device's settings to save bandwidth and improve performance.
  9. Disable or Remove Bloatware: Many phones come pre-installed with bloatware – apps that you may not need or want. Check if your phone allows you to disable or uninstall these apps to free up resources.
  10. Factory Reset as a Last Resort: If your phone's performance remains sluggish despite trying all the above steps, consider performing a factory reset. This will wipe your device clean and return it to its original state. Make sure to back up your data before doing this.
  11. Use a High-Speed Memory Card: If your phone supports expandable storage, consider using a high-speed microSD card to improve app loading times and overall performance.

Remember that the impact of these tips may vary depending on your phone's hardware and software. Older devices may not experience as significant an improvement as newer ones, but these steps can still help optimize performance to some extent. By following these suggestions, you can enjoy a faster and more responsive smartphone experience, making your daily tasks and activities more efficient and enjoyable.

How to erase your data from your old phone before you sell it

Before you part ways with your old smartphone, it's essential to ensure that all your personal data, photos, and accounts are completely wiped from the device to protect your privacy and security. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to securely erase your data before selling or giving away your old phone:

  1. Back Up Your Data: Before you begin the data erasure process, back up all your important data. You can use cloud services like Google Drive or iCloud, or connect the phone to a computer and transfer your files.
  2. Remove Your SIM Card and Memory Card: Take out your SIM card and memory card (if applicable) from the phone. You don't want to accidentally include them when you sell the device.
  3. Encrypt Your Data: If your phone offers the option to encrypt data, enable it. Encryption adds an extra layer of security by scrambling your data, making it difficult for anyone to recover it after the erasure process.
  4. Perform a Factory Reset: The most common method to erase all data on your phone is to perform a factory reset. The steps may vary slightly depending on your phone's make and model, but generally, you can follow these steps:
    1. Go to your phone's settings.
    2. Find the System or General Management section.
    3. Look for Reset or Reset Options.
    4. Choose Factory Data Reset or a similar option.
    5. Confirm your selection and enter any necessary PIN or pattern.
    6. The phone will prompt you for final confirmation. Confirm again to initiate the factory reset.
  5. Remove Google/iCloud Account: Before completing the factory reset, make sure to remove your Google account on Android or your iCloud account on iOS. This prevents the phone from being locked to your account, making it usable for the next owner.
  6. Delete All User Data: During the factory reset process, you'll usually have the option to Erase All Data or Delete All User Data. Choose this option to ensure that all your personal information, apps, and settings are permanently removed.
  7. Perform a Second Factory Reset (Optional): To be extra cautious, you can perform a second factory reset after the initial one is complete. This can help ensure that all data is thoroughly erased.
  8. Remove Your Google/iCloud Account Again: After the second factory reset, double-check that your Google/iCloud account has been removed from the device.
  9. Enable Factory Reset Protection (Android): If you have an Android device, you can activate Factory Reset Protection (FRP) in the security settings before performing the reset. FRP requires the new owner to enter your Google account credentials before they can use the phone, making it even more secure.
  10. Check for Remaining Data: After the factory reset is complete, go through the initial setup process but do not sign in with your Google/iCloud account. Instead, check the device for any remaining data or accounts. Remove any lingering information.
  11. Remove the Device from Your Account (Optional): If your phone is associated with your Google or Apple account, you can log in to your account on a computer or another device and remove the old device from your account's devices list.
  12. Securely Wipe External Storage (if applicable): If your phone has an external SD card or additional storage, remove it from the device and securely wipe it using a computer to prevent any residual data from being accessible.
  13. Verify Erasure: Finally, double-check that your personal data has been completely erased from the device. Try to recover any data yourself to ensure nothing is left behind.

By following these steps, you can confidently erase your data from your old phone before selling or giving it away, protecting your privacy and ensuring that the device is ready for its new owner.

Securing Your Mobile Device Against Malware and Viruses

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, serving as a hub for communication, work, entertainment, and more. However, their widespread use also makes them a prime target for cyberattacks. Malware and viruses pose a significant threat to the security and privacy of your mobile device. To protect your valuable data and personal information, it's essential to take proactive steps to secure your mobile device against these digital threats.

  1. Install Reliable Antivirus Software: Begin by installing reputable antivirus and anti-malware software on your mobile device. These security applications can detect and remove malicious software, offering an additional layer of defense against threats.
  2. Keep Your Operating System Updated: Regularly update your device's operating system and applications. Software updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malware. Enable automatic updates to ensure you stay protected.
  3. Download Apps from Official App Stores: Only download apps from official app stores like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. These platforms vet apps for security, reducing the risk of downloading malicious software. Avoid sideloading apps from unknown sources.
  4. Read App Permissions Carefully: Review the permissions that apps request during installation. If an app asks for permissions that seem unrelated to its core functionality, consider it a red flag and think twice before installing it.
  5. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Set strong, unique passwords for your device and online accounts. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. Avoid using easily guessable passwords like 123456 or password.
  6. Enable Device Locks and Biometric Authentication: Enable device locks, such as PINs, patterns, or biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition). These measures can help protect your device in case it's lost or stolen.
  7. Be Cautious with Links and Email Attachments: Exercise caution when clicking on links in text messages, emails, or social media. Be especially wary of email attachments from unknown senders. These may contain malware or phishing attempts.
  8. Educate Yourself about Phishing: Learn to recognize phishing attempts. Phishers often use fake websites or emails that mimic trusted sources to trick users into revealing sensitive information. Be skeptical of unsolicited emails or messages asking for personal or financial details.
  9. Regularly Back Up Your Data: Frequently back up your mobile device's data to a secure cloud storage service or an external device. In case of a malware attack or device loss, you'll have a copy of your essential information.
  10. Monitor Your Device's Activity: Regularly check your device for unusual behavior, such as unexpected battery drain, unusual data usage, or unfamiliar apps running in the background. These could be signs of malware.
  11. Secure Your Wi-Fi Connection: When connecting to Wi-Fi networks, use trusted and secure networks whenever possible. Avoid connecting to public, unsecured Wi-Fi networks, as they can be vulnerable to attacks.

By following these proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of malware and viruses compromising your mobile device's security. It's crucial to stay vigilant and stay informed about emerging threats in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. Your mobile device is a valuable tool, and safeguarding it should be a top priority to ensure your online safety and protect your personal data.

How to test a used phone before you buy it

Buying a used phone can be a cost-effective way to get a quality device, but it comes with certain risks. To ensure you're getting your money's worth and avoiding potential issues, it's crucial to thoroughly test a used phone before making the purchase. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Check the Physical Condition: Begin by inspecting the phone's physical condition. Look for scratches, dents, or cracks on the screen, body, and camera lens. Cosmetic issues may not affect functionality but can impact the device's value and your overall satisfaction.
  2. Turn It On and Off: Power on the phone to ensure it starts up without any issues. Test the power button, and then turn off the device to confirm it shuts down correctly.
  3. Screen Inspection: Carefully examine the screen for dead pixels, discoloration, or irregularities. Open a white background to help identify any screen imperfections.
  4. Touchscreen Responsiveness: Test the touchscreen's responsiveness by tapping and swiping across the screen. Verify that there are no dead zones or areas where the screen doesn't register your touch.
  5. Check for Screen Burn-In: Display a solid color or a white image to check for screen burn-in, which may appear as ghostly remnants of previous images, icons, or menus.
  6. Audio and Speakers: Test the phone's audio capabilities. Make a test call to check the earpiece speaker's clarity and volume. Play music or video to assess the quality of the built-in speakers.
  7. Test the Microphone and Voice Recording: Record a voice memo or make a voice call to ensure the microphone is functioning correctly. Listen to the recording to check for audio quality.
  8. Test the Cameras: Open the camera app and take photos and videos using both the front and rear cameras. Inspect the image and video quality, focusing capabilities, and any issues with the camera's lens.
  9. Connectivity and Ports: Verify that Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and mobile data connections work without interruption. Test all ports (charging, headphone, etc.) to ensure they function correctly.
  10. Battery Life: Assess the battery life by using the phone for a few hours, running apps, browsing the web, and making calls. Monitor the battery percentage to see if it drains unusually fast.
  11. Test Buttons and Hardware Controls: Ensure that physical buttons (volume, power, home, etc.) work as expected. Test any additional hardware controls, such as fingerprint sensors or face recognition.
  12. Check for Software Issues: Navigate through the phone's settings and menus to check for software issues or unusual behaviors. Look for app crashes, slow performance, or error messages.
  13. Confirm Software Version: Verify the phone's software version and ensure it's up to date. Outdated software may lack essential security updates and features.
  14. Verify the IMEI or Serial Number: Request the phone's IMEI or serial number and cross-reference it with an online IMEI checker to confirm its authenticity and check for any reports of loss or theft.
  15. Test SIM Card Compatibility: If possible, insert your SIM card to confirm compatibility and ensure the phone can connect to your mobile network.
  16. Factory Reset: Ask the seller to perform a factory reset to erase all personal data and ensure the phone is in a clean state. Set up the phone from scratch to test its functionality as a new user would.
  17. Check for a Clean ESN/IMEI: Verify that the phone has a clean ESN/IMEI to ensure it's not blacklisted or associated with unpaid bills or fraud.
  18. Documentation and Accessories: Confirm that the phone comes with any original accessories, such as chargers, headphones, or the original box. Additionally, inquire about any included documentation like manuals or warranty cards.
  19. Negotiate the Price: Based on your findings, negotiate the price with the seller if you discover any issues that affect the phone's value or performance.

By following these steps, you can thoroughly test a used phone to ensure it meets your expectations and is free from any significant defects or issues. Remember to trust your instincts and proceed with caution if something doesn't seem right during the testing process. A careful evaluation will help you make an informed decision and avoid potential pitfalls when buying a used phone.

Maximise the resale value of your old device

In today's fast-paced world of technology, it seems like new mobile devices hit the market every few months. As a result, many of us find ourselves with old smartphones and tablets lying around, no longer in use. Instead of letting these devices collect dust, why not consider maximizing their resale value? Selling your old mobile device can not only put some extra cash in your pocket but also reduce electronic waste. Here are some tips on how to get the most money for your old mobile device:

  1. Clean and Restore: Before listing your device for sale, take the time to clean it thoroughly. Remove any smudges, fingerprints, or dirt from the screen and body. If there are any visible scratches or scuffs, consider investing in a screen protector or a phone case to improve its appearance.
  2. Backup and Wipe: Back up all your data, photos, and personal information from the device. Afterward, perform a factory reset to erase all your data and restore the device to its original settings. This ensures the new owner starts with a clean slate and safeguards your privacy.
  3. Research the Market: Do some research to determine the current market value of your device. Look at online marketplaces, such as eBay or Craigslist, to see what similar devices are selling for. This will give you an idea of a reasonable asking price for your device.
  4. Original Accessories: If you have the original box, charger, headphones, or any other accessories that came with your device, include them in the sale. A complete package is more appealing to potential buyers and can increase the resale value.
  5. Be Honest About the Condition: When creating your listing, be upfront and honest about the condition of your device. Mention any cosmetic flaws, scratches, or hardware issues it may have. Honesty builds trust with potential buyers and prevents disputes later on.
  6. Choose the Right Platform: Select the platform that best suits your needs. Popular options include online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, or Swappa, or trade-in programs offered by retailers and manufacturers. Each has its pros and cons, so research and choose the one that aligns with your preferences.
  7. Timing Matters: Consider the timing of your sale. Selling your device shortly before the release of a new model may fetch a higher price, as demand for older models often increases when a new one is about to be launched.
  8. Take Quality Photos: A picture is worth a thousand words. Take clear, well-lit photos of your device from various angles. Showcase its condition and any accessories you're including. High-quality images can attract more buyers.
  9. Secure Payment and Shipping: When finalizing the sale, use secure payment methods like PayPal or other reputable online payment services. Additionally, ensure you use a secure and trackable shipping method to protect both you and the buyer.
  10. Communicate Effectively: Maintain clear and prompt communication with potential buyers. Answer their questions, provide additional information, and be polite and professional throughout the process.

By following these tips, you can maximize the resale value of your old mobile device and ensure a smooth and profitable selling experience. Not only will you earn some extra money, but you'll also contribute to reducing electronic waste and extending the life cycle of your device, which benefits both you and the environment.

Common Myths About Refurbished Mobiles.

Common Myths About Refurbished Mobiles Debunked

Refurbished mobiles are a great way to save money on a high-quality device. However, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding refurbished phones that can deter potential buyers. In this article, we will debunk some of the most common myths about refurbished mobiles so that you can make an informed decision about your next purchase.

Myth 1: Refurbished mobiles are low quality.

This is one of the most common myths about refurbished phones, but it is simply not true. Refurbished phones undergo a rigorous refurbishment process that includes inspection, repair, and testing to ensure that they meet the same quality standards as new phones. In fact, many refurbished phones are returned due to minor cosmetic issues or buyer preferences, and they may have the latest features and technology.

Myth 2: Refurbished mobiles have a shorter lifespan.

The lifespan of a refurbished mobile depends on a number of factors, including the model of the phone, how well it was taken care of, and how often it is used. However, refurbished phones can last just as long as new phones, if not longer. In fact, many refurbished phones come with a warranty from the seller, which provides additional peace of mind.

Myth 3: Refurbished mobiles are not worth the money.

Refurbished mobiles are typically significantly less expensive than new phones, making them a great value for consumers. You can often find refurbished phones that are in excellent condition for up to 50% off the retail price of a new phone.

Myth 4: Refurbished mobiles are difficult to find.

Refurbished mobiles are becoming increasingly accessible to consumers. You can find refurbished phones from a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. Some of the best places to buy refurbished mobiles include:

  • Certified retailers: Certified retailers sell refurbished phones that have been inspected and repaired by the manufacturer.
  • Mobile carriers: Many mobile carriers sell refurbished phones, and they may offer special deals to customers who trade in their old phones.
  • Online retailers: There are a number of online retailers that sell refurbished phones. Be sure to read reviews of the retailer before making a purchase.

Myth 5: Refurbished mobiles are not secure.

Refurbished mobiles are just as secure as new phones. Reputable sellers will wipe the phone clean of all personal data before reselling it. Additionally, refurbished phones often come with the latest software updates, which helps to keep them secure.

Benefits of buying a refurbished mobile

There are many benefits to buying a refurbished mobile phone. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Save money: Refurbished mobiles are typically significantly less expensive than new phones.
  • Get a high-quality device: Refurbished phones undergo a rigorous refurbishment process to ensure that they meet the same quality standards as new phones.
  • Reduce e-waste: Buying a refurbished mobile helps to reduce e-waste by giving devices a second life.
  • Support a circular economy: When you buy a refurbished mobile, you are supporting a circular economy, which is a more sustainable way to produce and consume goods.
How to Choose the Right Mobile Phone for Your Needs

In today's fast-paced world, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. They are not just communication devices but also serve as cameras, navigation tools, entertainment hubs, and productivity aids. With a plethora of options available in the market, choosing the right mobile phone can be a daunting task. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a guide on how to choose the right mobile phone for your needs.

Assess Your Needs:

The first step in choosing the right mobile phone is to assess your needs. Consider how you primarily use your phone.

Operating System (OS):

There are primarily two mobile operating systems: Android and iOS. Android offers a wider range of devices with varying price points and customization options, while iOS is known for its smooth user experience and security. Choose the OS that aligns with your preferences and ecosystem.


Set a budget that you are comfortable with. Mobile phones come in various price ranges, so having a budget in mind will help you filter out options that are too expensive or too basic for your needs.

Consider the Hardware:

Pay attention to hardware specifications such as the processor, RAM, and storage. High-end processors like Snapdragon or Apple's A-series offer better performance. More RAM ensures smooth multitasking, and ample storage is essential if you take a lot of photos or install many apps.


Decide on the size, resolution, and type of display that suits you. Larger screens are great for media consumption, while smaller ones are more pocket-friendly. OLED and AMOLED screens offer vibrant colors and deep blacks.

Camera Quality:

Look for features like multiple lenses, optical image stabilization (OIS), and a high megapixel count for better photo quality.

Battery Life:

Consider your usage patterns and choose a phone with a battery that can last through your typical day. Phones with larger battery capacities are usually better for heavy users.


Ensure the phone supports the latest connectivity standards, such as 4G or 5G. Check for features like Bluetooth version, Wi-Fi capabilities, and NFC if you need them.

Software Updates:

Regular software updates are essential for security and performance. Buy a phone from a manufacturer known for providing timely updates.

Brand Reputation:

Established brands often offer better customer support, warranty, and reliability. Research and read reviews to understand a brand's reputation.

User Interface:

Consider the user interface and how comfortable you are with it. Manufacturers often add their own skin on top of Android, which can affect the user experience.

Additional Features:

Think about any specific features you need, such as water resistance, expandable storage, or wireless charging.

Comparing iOS and Android: Which Mobile Operating System Is Right for You

Comparing iOS and Android: Which Mobile Operating System Is Right for You?

iOS and Android are the two most popular mobile operating systems in the world, and for good reason. Both offer a wide range of features and functionality, and both are supported by a wide range of devices. But which one is right for you?

Here's a comparison of iOS and Android to help you decide:



  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Secure and reliable
  • Regular software updates
  • Excellent selection of apps and games
  • Deep integration with other Apple products


  • Expensive devices
  • Less customization options than Android
  • Not as open of an ecosystem as Android

Which one is right for you?

Ultimately, the best way to decide which mobile operating system is right for you is to consider your individual needs and preferences. Here are a few things to think about:

  • Budget: iOS devices are typically more expensive than Android devices. If you're on a tight budget, Android is the better option.
  • Ease of use: iOS is generally considered to be easier to use than Android. If you're looking for a phone that's simple and straightforward, iOS is the way to go.
  • Customization: If you like to customize your phone, Android is the better option. Android offers a wide range of customization options, from changing the look and feel of the home screen to installing custom ROMs.
  • Security: iOS is generally considered to be more secure than Android. If security is a top priority for you, iOS is the better option.
  • Software updates: Apple is known for providing timely software updates for its devices. If you want to be sure that your phone is always running the latest software, iOS is the better option.
  • App selection: Both iOS and Android have a wide selection of apps and games available. However, some apps and games may be released on iOS first or be of higher quality on iOS. If you're a gamer or rely on specific apps, you may want to check to see if they're available on the platform you're considering.

Other factors to consider:

  • Ecosystem: If you already own other Apple products, such as a Mac or iPad, iOS is the better option for you. This is because iOS integrates seamlessly with other Apple products.
  • Device selection: Android offers a wider range of devices to choose from, from budget-friendly phones to high-end flagships. iOS, on the other hand, is only available on Apple devices.
  • Carrier: Some carriers may offer better deals on Android phones than on iOS phones. If you're on a budget, you may want to consider this when making your decision.
Buy the Best Phones at Best prices during Online Sales

Browsing through websites and links on the internet always exposes us to customized advertisements. Lately, online shopping giants like Amazon and Flipkart have been promoting their sales and shopping festivals. These online shopping festivals offer excellent opportunities for customers looking to buy smartphones and gadgets. Read on to learn more.

Online shopping portals like Amazon and Flipkart host various sellers, allowing them to display their products and deliver them to buyers. To boost sales or clear stock, they organize mega sales events timed around festivals like Navratri, Diwali, and New Year. If you're seeking to purchase a smartphone at a lower price, now is the perfect time to grab a deal.

Amazon Great Indian Sale

The Amazon Great Indian Sale started on September 23, 2022, and will run until September 30, 2022. This sale offers incredible prices on the latest smartphones, helping you save big. Discounts are applied in multiple ways—either the phone is sold at a reduced price with discounts ranging from 20-30%, or various offers are provided based on the payment method. Amazon Pay users and SBI credit cardholders enjoy additional benefits.

Some of the top discounted phones include the Realme Narzo 50A Prime, Redmi Note 10 Prime, and OnePlus 10R Prime, which sees a whopping 6,000 rupees reduction in its price. In the under 10,000 rupees category, the Samsung Galaxy M13, released in July this year, offers one of the best deals, while in the under 20,000 rupees category, the Redmi Note 11, launched in January, is a fantastic bargain.

Flipkart Big Billion Days

The Flipkart Big Billion Days sale also started on September 23, 2022, and will continue until September 30, 2022. Flipkart Plus users had the privilege of accessing offers a day before the official start of the sale. The sale features varying offers each day, with smartphones offered at discounted rates along with multiple deals. Flipkart categorizes smartphones based on the extent of the discount and their final price range, making it convenient for users to browse through.

Flipkart offers discounts across a wide range of phones, from basic models to flagship devices. While Amazon sells renewed Asus phones, Flipkart takes the lead in offering Asus ROG 5s variants at significant discounts. The POCO M4 Pro smartphone is available at a hot deal price of only 13,000 rupees.

Both Flipkart and Amazon have their unique advantages. Be sure to explore the platform that sells your desired model and compare prices before making your final purchase.

Points to Remember

  • When shopping during these mega festivals, compare prices for the same model on both websites as different vendors may offer varied rates.
  • As you finalize your payment method, explore all available options and review the multiple offers associated with each choice.
  • Keep in mind that high demand during these sales can lead to products quickly going out of stock, limiting options and variety.
  • Consider the option of buying refurbished or renewed smartphones, which are available on both Amazon and Flipkart, as a way to reduce costs.
  • Stick to your specific model choice and don't switch just because another model has a much lower price. Assess smartphone specifications based on your individual needs rather than price alone.
  • For iPhone enthusiasts, this is the time of year when previous-generation iPhones are sold at significantly reduced rates. Check models like the iPhone 12 Mini, available at prices nearly 20,000 rupees less than the original selling price.
  • While there are other smaller shopping portals that offer phones at discounted rates, be cautious of fraudulent deals.

Customer Reviews


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Babu .M

I appreciate how ORUphones goes beyond just listings with its price comparison feature. It adds an extra layer of convenience, allowing me to make well-informed choices while shopping for second-hand phones

Verified user26 February 2024

ORUphones doesn't just compete with OLX; it excels. The platform's streamlined process, intuitive navigation, and emphasis on user trust redefine the standards for second-hand phone transactions

Verified user28 February 2024
Aswanth Km

ORUphones has truly outshined its competitors; its user-friendly interface and advanced features make selling and buying second-hand phones a seamless experience, setting it leagues ahead of platforms like OLX

Verified user28 February 2024