Buyer’s Guide to Used Mobile Phones
A Buyer’s Guide to Used Mobile Phones
The biggest perk of buying a brand-new smartphone, when compared to buying a used smartphone is that you don’t have to worry about the mobile’s physical condition and performance. The performance will be exactly as the technical YouTubers inform. Quite obviously you have to spend more amount of money than you would have on a used phone to get a device which has no previous exposure, gives optimum results, and is in top-notch condition. But, you can also get the best deals on the purchase of second-hand mobile phones. Here are a few tips you need to keep in mind that shall get you a phone with good performance at nearly half the original prices. Below is a great summary of how you should plan your buying of a second-hand mobile phone. Keep this in mind and you will grab yourself the best deal.
1. Never buy from a Non-Trusted source or person
While buying anything new or pre-owned, it is essential to be cautious and safe at each step. You should always buy second-hand mobile from a well-reputed reseller or a trustworthy online platform. The offline market is full of fake resellers, who pry on new buyers. If not careful you might end up buying a phone with fake parts or paying more than the designated price. The same holds for the Online market. Find sellers that provide clear information, are reachable, and give details that you might ask for. Platforms like ORUphones and Cashify ensure authentic purchases.
2. Find the Best seller
One thing that the majority of common buyers lack is Good Research. Before buying a smartphone from any platform, you must first read up well and know about the device you are purchasing, the rating of the seller, and compare the prices and condition of the phone being provided. This will help you in knowing the quality of the smartphone, how long it will last, the sellers' reliability and so on.
3. Do a thorough Personal Check
Once you find a great deal through any online or offline market, you should check the smartphone rigorously before proceeding to pay the seller. Look for any scratch, dent, or any other damage on the physical body and inspect the functioning of the software part like the performance score. This will symbolize that you are an informed buyer and will help you in acquiring a fully functioning device. Go through all the features like camera, mike, speakers etcetera, and don’t forget to check the bill and the IMEI number for the assurance of no fraud dealing.
4. Check if all the Ports work properly
Another thing to keep in mind is to check all the ports of the smartphone. Check the functioning of the charging port and the headphone jack, if present. Don’t forget to check the working of the battery by keeping it on charge for an hour or so. This will tell you if the battery and port are functional.
5. Pay attention to the Battery
The Lithium-ion batteries of mobile phones usually lose out their capacity over time which can be an issue if buying a used phone. So, notice the battery level & drop in battery percentage while checking out the phone.
6. Return Policy
It is important to check the return policy before purchasing a used smartphone. It may be vulnerable to failure, and you might not know about it. You should inquire whether you can return the device if it fails or develops other malfunctions that you didn’t anticipate. For safety, the return policy shouldn’t be less than ten days or two weeks when purchasing a new or used device.
7. Ask the seller for Original accessories
Most sellers provide the smartphone in the original packaging with all its original accessories. This ensures better connectivity and usage of the device and gives the smartphone a better life.
8. Don’t hesitate to Back-off
After you are completely satisfied with the working condition of the smartphone, only then proceed to buy the device. If at any point, you feel that the seller is not authentic or the mobile’s quality is not up to the mark, don’t hesitate to call off the deal. Look accurately and you’ll surely find another legitimate smartphone.
9. Stay away from Stolen phones
Buying a stolen phone is a strict “No”, even if you are being offered a great deal. After all, why get into trouble with the authorities for spending your money on a device that has been reported as stolen. To safeguard yourself from these unnecessary hassles, always insist that the seller provides you with a soft or a hard copy of the original bill that shows his or her name as the buyer of the device along with other details such as the name of the store, date and time of the original purchase, warranty details, etc. Also, check the second-hand phone battery compartment area for an IMEI sticker or dial *#06# to retrieve the IMEI number and match this serial number with mentioned on the bill and the packaging box. The above code works on all smartphones.
10. Execute a Service Code Test
Nowadays, phones are enabled with service codes that allow users to unlock their special menus that are normally accessible via the phone dialer. Such codes can be searched online and are used to undertake self-test routines to find out if different aspects of the phone like sensor, touch, LED, RGB, vibration, camera, speaker, receiver, battery, etc. are functional or not.
These are a few things that you should keep in mind before buying a used smartphone. It can be quite a tedious task to ensure the quality of the phone through an online mode of purchase. So while browsing, make sure to find deals around you. Here at ORUphones, we provide you with a technology that checks multiple parameters to ensure the quality of the phones, thus making it easier for you to buy a used smartphone.